jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013


  Hello bloggers!! When we think about science, many of us think of the idea of great fairs of science filled with scientists carrying out big experiments. Why don´t we take this great convention to schools? On this page you will find how to create a science fair in your school. If you want to see how another school does it here you have an example.

“There is a driving power more powerful that steam, electricity and atomic energy: will power.”. A. Einstein.

Buenas bloggeros!! Cuando pensamos en las ciencias a muchos se nos viene a la cabeza la idea de las grandes ferias de ciencias llenas de científicos haciendo grandes experimentos. ¿y por qué no llevamos esta gran convención a las escuelas? En esta página encontrareis como crear una feria de la ciencia en vuestro cole. Y si queréis ver como lo llevan acabo algunos colegios aquí tenéis un ejemplo.

“Hay una fuerza motriz más poderosa que el vapor, la electricidad y la energía atómica: la voluntad.”  A. Einstein

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


Some schools organize a day of sciences. This is an opportunity where the kids make fun things. At the same time they learn about science. Here, is a page with some activities that you can l use with your pupils.

In this specific case, kids have operated like small archeologists looking for puzzle pieces under the sand. Once they´ve found all the pieces, they have cleaned them and later on they successfully put them together to make one completely made puzzle. We can notice that they acted like small scientists because this activity has increased their potential in science.