Realizamos una excursión a la ERA fuimos todos los grupos de 3º de Educación Infantil de la Facultad de la Ciencia de Educación.
Fuimos a este lugar porque le podemos enseñar a los niños/as como se vivía en la prehistoria, como se cultivaba; tenían sus propias estrategias para mantener bien la comida, como por ejemplo, un agujero en la tierra el cual estaba cubierto de barro y guardaban la comida dentro, también nos enseñaron elementos de la naturaleza como árboles, plantas, las casas que se hacían ellos mismos con lo que pudieran coger del medio natural.

Una de las
actividades que hicimos por pequeños grupos fue la siguiente: Nos explicaron como ellos cultivaban la
comida, como se llevaba a cabo la agricultura y cómo ellos mismo creaban sus
propias herramientas, como por ejemplo, un hacha, cesta de mimbre, asimismo
disecaban los animales tras la caza y lo ponían en las cabañas como objeto de
decoración. ¿Os recomiendo visitarla, os dejo la página web por si os interesa echarle
un vistazo?
We conducted a tour
of the ERA went all groups of 3rd Child Education, Faculty of Science of
We went to this place because we can teach children / as how people lived in prehistoric times, as was grown , had their own strategies to keep the food well , such as a hole in the ground which was covered in mud and kept the food in also taught elements of nature such as trees , plants , houses that they were made so they could take the natural environment.
One of the activities we did in small groups was as follows:
They explained how they grew the food, as was carried out agriculture and how they themselves created their own tools, such as an ax , wicker basket, also dissected animals after the hunt and put it in the cabins as object decoration . Do you recommend I visit , I leave the website if you are interested take a look?
We went to this place because we can teach children / as how people lived in prehistoric times, as was grown , had their own strategies to keep the food well , such as a hole in the ground which was covered in mud and kept the food in also taught elements of nature such as trees , plants , houses that they were made so they could take the natural environment.
One of the activities we did in small groups was as follows:
They explained how they grew the food, as was carried out agriculture and how they themselves created their own tools, such as an ax , wicker basket, also dissected animals after the hunt and put it in the cabins as object decoration . Do you recommend I visit , I leave the website if you are interested take a look?
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