Hola para saber plantear a los niños el reciclaje de una forma divertida aquí hemos seleccionado este vídeo, porque nos parece muy interesante y muy educativo ya que viéndolo los niños van a aprender de una forma divertida que es importante reciclar para cuidar el medio ambiente y concienciarnos de que el mundo, la naturaleza... que nos rodea es de todos y no debemos descuidarlo para cuidar de el debemos transmitir a los niños que hay que mantenerlo limpio, que no hay que arrojar basura al suelo y que no basta solo con tirar la basura al contenedor, sino que tenemos que reciclar para que así se le pueda dar al material un segundo uso.

Dicho esto aquí os dejamos el vídeo para que lo veáis y otro enlance para realizar actividades relacionadas con la naturaleza.
Hello to know the children raise recycling in a fun here we have selected this video, because it seems very interesting and very educational as watching the children will learn in a fun way that is important to recycle to help the environment and raise awareness that the world, the nature ... is around us all and we should not neglect to take care of the children must pass to be kept clean, not to arojar trash on the ground and not enough just to throw in the trash container, but we have to recycle so that you can give the material a second use.Caring for the environment is good for the animals, for plants and for ourselves so it is important that children interiorizen that respect for nature since they are small. Nosotos adults do not just have to tell you it's important to recycle, but we teach them in a fun way like this takes place.
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